
Red Hat Satellite 6.4 Beta – Ansible integration, new repository page, and plenty more.



Update – 16 October 2018 – Satellite 6.4 is now available

Red Hat have recently released the beta version of Red Hat Satellite 6.4. Most noteworthy are the highlights from the official Red Hat Satellite 6.4 Beta is now available blog post:

The Satellite 6.4 beta is focused on embedding Ansible Automation for remote execution and desired state management, as well as continued enhancements to the usability of the Satellite user interface.

Major features that we are asking customers to review as they test the beta are:

Ansible integration for remote execution
Significant user interface changes
New vertical navigation
New repositories page
Manifest editing from within the Satellite interface
Notification drawer enhancements
Enhanced auditing of user events
Load balanced capsules

If you have the time, it’s certainly worth testing the beta so you can get used to the new features and identify any issues before the General Availability (GA) release.

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